Sunday, January 27, 2008

First Sunday

Well we survived our first Sunday back at church. It was really a blessing to be back around our church family. They have been so supportive throughout this adventure. When we were in Africa we knew they had us covered in prayers and that they still do. What a feeling that is.

The boys and I had a rocky start this morning. When Papa is gone it is 2 against 1 and Mama is left to fend for herself!! I managed but could tell I was certainly outnumbered and out-smarted by those 2 boys!

It was funny at church to see people's reactions to the boys. We had a congregational meal after church and after eating the boys went to play in the nursery. I went down after a little while to check on them and the nursery was full of children and adults just watching the kids play. You could see the joy and delight that Ezra and Addai bring to those around them. It was great to see people so amused at the smallest things!

The boys are down for a nap now (praise the Lord for small favors!) and I am catching up around the house and promising to give myself a few minutes to read and sip hot cocoa. We'll see if that dream comes to fruition.

Bye for now.


Jamie Campbell said...

Well sounds leke ALL is well!! Good to hear how things are going, cant wait to meet them. Thanks Jamie Campbell

Donna Barber said...

What beautiful boys- I am so glad they are home with yous.